π Licenses
Flutter automatically registers the licenses used by all your packages in its LicenseRegistry. However, Flume re-distributes assets subject to their own licenses. If you choose to use the bundled Mulish and/or Montserrat fonts, you need to register the fonts' licenses as well:
import 'package:flume/licenses.dart';
void main() {
// Registers both Mulish and Montserrat font licenses
Or, alternatively, generate yourself:
void main() {
LicenseRegistry.addLicense(() async* {
final mulish = await rootBundle.loadString('packages/flume/lib/licenses/Mulish.txt');
final montserrat = await rootBundle.loadString('packages/flume/lib/licenses/Montserrat.txt');
yield LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks(<String>['Montserrat'], montserrat);
yield LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks(<String>['Mulish'], mulish);
If you use the google_fonts package, follow their instructions on licensing fonts instead.